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Knowing When Your Inner Child Needs Healing.

Writer's picture: ~ Reiki S ~~ Reiki S ~

Updated: Jan 12

All work and No Play Makes Jake/Jill a dull person! We have all heard that saying before, right?

The issue with that and how that adage rings true is that as we age, we forgot the little person inside that keeps us childlike and playful.

Children's Solar Plexus are formed bewteen 8 - 16 years of age. The nurturing and reasurance a child receives during this time is pivotal in navigating learning who they trully are!

Let's do a quick exercise, can you remember back to the time you were 8 years old? What grade were you starting, and how did you like the school you were in? What stands out to you?

Did you have a lot of friends back then? Did you make friends easily? Now fast forward and look at how your relationships are now.

Understanding Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Your solar plexus is located in the middle of your abdomen, it represents your energy and vitality. This is where your willpower, desire, and personal authority are found. Anatomically the solar plexus can be compared to the digestive system (stomach, liver, gallbladder, bile, and small intestine). So keeping this chakra balanced helps to understand when your "gut instinct" is communicating with you.

Now let's go back to when you were 8 years old. How did you process your emotions? Did you express your emotions? Did you act out of rage? Did you have tantrums or were you quiet? Fast forward again to the present, how do you express your anger now as an adult?

How did you express your anger as a child?

  • Tantrum - break things - fall on the floor - scream -cried

  • Hermit Mode - quiet off in the corner stewing in your juices

  • Vengeful - spiteful

  • Add your own

After doing the two exercises above you have now either uncovered some buried trauma or traveled down memory lane. It's no secret that kids can be mean at 8 years old and depending on what they themselves are going through at home and within, can determine how they deal with other children their age.

A child that receives positive reinforcement at home and is spoken to in a respectful manner will present that same demeanor outside of the home, the child that is verbally abused and yelled at constantly will either withdraw or present the same aggressive demeanor outside of the home.

Going inward to address that 8 - 18-year-old timeline will help you understand who you are today and why you are the way you are. Who knows what awaits you but addressing whatever can be freeing and liberating. Even if it all smiles & giggles, check in with your little person, often; and let them see and enjoy your growth.

Yes, we grow up but should always remember the little kid in us!

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